Friday, October 5, 2007

Over the River and Through the Woods

After a long series of shuttles and flights, Lea's parents, Leo and Nancy Bistak, arrived in L'viv on Thursday. They have been adjusting to the time difference, as well as some of the quirks of life in Ukraine. Their first full day in L'viv included an "orientation" walk around the center of town, and a trip to the big market by the main train station. Lea had traveled there with Jani and found wonderful things - delicious dried fruits and nuts, and all sorts of other foodstuffs. Today, Lea, Erik, and Leo went to the market while Nancy watched Carter during his nap time. After a return visit to the Tajik vendor to resupply our pantry with roasted cashews, hazelnuts, and Carter's favorite "big raisins" (super-sweet, dime-sized golden raisins), we picked up several meals' worth of sausage, dried fish, pastries, bread, and fresh vegetables. Today's mission prepares us well for the full itinerary ahead during the next 10 days.

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