Thursday, October 14, 2010

Renaissance Festival

As kids, Lea and Erik regularly attended the Michigan Renaissance Festival. Lea's father took her every year, as it was located where he studied to be a priest (thankfully he did not go through with that vocation!). Erik was also an annual visitor - he even donned a costume to participate in the Leonardo da Vinci Model Making Contest at age 13.

This year was Carter's turn to experience a critical milestone for every nerdy thespian/D&D aficionado (Erik was more of the latter way back when). The Kansas City Renaissance Festival dwarfed the Michigan festival (at least as Erik and Lea remember it from years ago). Carter really loved fencing, and hopes to take after his cousin Amelia who is an avid fencer. A few photos follow.


Kristin said...

Don't forget cousin George the fencer! He's started year 2 tonight!

Erik, Lea, and Carter Herron said...

We forgot about George's fencing! Sorry...